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Results 1 - 1 of 1 for "Carved limestone panel with three figures."
Site:  Palenque
Schele Number:  120
Description:  Carved limestone panel with three figures. the central figure, k'inich k'an joy chitam ii, stands in a dancing posture holding aloft a serpent-footed axe and wearing the shell ear-piece of gi. his father, k'inich janaab pakal (right), and mother, lady tz'akbu ajaw (left) sit flanking him. pakal holds a small, full-figure k'awiil and lady tz'akbu ajaw holds a personified jester god. the text records an anniversary of the death of his ancestor, k'an joy chitam i.
Current Location:  Washington, Dc, Dumbarton Oaks
Hieroglyph:  Yes 
Architectural Feature:  Panel, Tablet
Chronological Era:  Late Classic
Notes:  Dn of 4.7.0 moves forward to the anniversary lc of cr of 9 manik 5 muwan yields a probable, some three years after k'inich k'an joy chitam ii's capture by tonina (see sd149). schele (1980:308) notes that there is no firm association between the panel and palenque; the panel may have come from a nearby site.
Culture:  Maya
Iconographic Features:  Music, Dance; God Gii, God K, K'awiil; God B, Chaak, Chaak-xib-chaak; Jester God
Publications:  Maya Iconography 1980:309
L. Schele and M. Miller, Blood of Kings 1986:275, fig. VII.3

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